The risk of a poisonous snakebite is lower than that of being struck by lightening. But still, nobody wants to get bit by a snake, but people do, no matter what precautions they take. If you do get bit by a snake, stay calm and seek medical attention immediately, if possible, even if you don't know what kind of snake it is.
Preventing Snake Bites:
1. Be aware of your surroundings. Ask the locals if dangerous snakes inhabit the area. If mice, chipmunks and other rodents are present, assume that snakes are, too.
2. Carry a walking stick and use it to prod into bushes and around rocks and areas you cannot see. Snakes like to hide under rocks, logs and leaf debris. Don't lift up rocks without gloves. Watch where you put your hands and feet, don't put them where you can't see them.
3. Wear the highest boots you have if you know you will be walking through a snake-infested area. Snakes can extend only half it's body length, so if it is on the ground, it will generally strike below the knee. Leather or kelvar boots are better.
4. Learn which snakes are dangerous. Rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths have triangular heads. Coral snakes are easy to recognize with their distinctive coloration. They have alternating red, yellow and black bands starting with black - yellow - black - yellow - red - black - yellow - red.
5. Don't mess with snakes, don't corner them, don't poke them with a stick. If they are not moving, they are sleeping, just leave them alone. The little snakes are just as dangerous.
If you DO get bit ! Don't cut the site of the bite!
It may cause more harm than good! 
1. Wash the bite with soap and water as soon as possible. You want to remove as much of the snake's spit as you can.
2. Keep the bitten area below the heart. This is done to slow the flow of the venom.
3. Take off any rings or watches. The venom is going to make you swell, and jewelry might cut off your circulation.
4. Tightly wrap a bandage two to four inches above the bite. If you can't reach medical care within 30 minutes, wrap a bandage around the bitten appendage. This is to assist in reducing the flow of venom. You want to make it tight, but not too tight as to completely cut off the appendage's circulation. That will only cause tissue damage.
5. If you have a snake bite kit (a Sawyer Extractor is the only one to use), place the suction device over the bite to help draw the venom out of the wound. Leave on for a maximum of ten minutes. If used properly, a suction device can remove up to 30% of the venom.
1. Don't Cut the wound. More people put themselves in real danger by cutting the site above the snakebite in order to "drain" the venom, than by those not cutting. Cutting the skin will increase the chances of causing an infection in the area. This is why I don't put cheap snakebite kits on my website, they are as dangerous as a snakebite.
2. Don't Suck the venom. Another remedy we all have seen in the movies is people sucking the venom out with their mouth. You don't want the venom in your mouth where it can get back into your bloodstream, either due to a cut in your mouth or cavaties..
3. Don't Ice the wound. Ice can cause tissue and skin damage and inhibits the removal of venom when using a suction device.
4. Don't Panic. If you've been bitten, try to avoid freaking out. If you're with someone who has been bitten, try to keep them calm. The more you move and the faster your heart beats, the quicker the venom is going to be circulated throughout your body. So do your best to stay calm and remain as still as humanely possible.